Tuesday, October 24, 2006

A Little's Enough

I am pretty sure that the song by Angels and Airwaves - A Little's Enough could change the world. On that note, I really think that it can change me. It all goes to my perspective of Love, and the power of God. I do not think that it is that absurd or heretical to think that the integration of a bit of Love into one's life will not flow to all parts, think of sourdough bread, you only need a little bit, I think the leavened bread thing is the same way. I am going to be working my way through the book of Titus, I have found that the only beneficial, and effective way for me to study, and remember scripture long term is to memorize it. On a completely side note I would like to let all of you know that I thoroughly enjoy the weather when it is like this.

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