Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Please WATCH this

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Ladies And Gentlemen

Alright here is the first question, to the ladies out there, what do you think of my long hair, does it add or subtract or make no difference to the attractive scale...

With that out of the way PLEASE for the love of all that is colorful and wonderful in the world... can someone please contact me that is currently a citizen/member of SecondLife...

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Heart of a writer.

Awkwardly I have been having these desires to go to a coffee shop, and write, just like Don Miller speaks of in blue like jazz. This idea of sipping coffee and writing books, all the while meeting new people, and people watching, and the calm relaxing atmosphere, that to me is the awesome life of a bachelor. I like that idea, and guess what else, I like the fact that I can call myself a bachelor, I need this now for this time of my life. So right now I am happy, to some extent, and ready to get out of some of the restraints in front of me. I love life, I really love tea. I love thought, I love taste, I love smell, I really love honey. I love color, I love feelings, I even love the fact that there is pain in this world. Pain in the general sense, not injuries, I'm referring more to the emotional pain. I love the fact that we can understand and appreciate greatness and glory more after having witnessed and experienced pain. I want to sit back with no deadlines, and help the world. I want to talk to people. I want to write things for people to read. I want to help people. I'm not so physically able to do things like habitat for humanity, but I like the idea, and I would support them in a variety of ways. I look to utilize my skills, and I do not believe there will be a thing in my way to accomplish the will that God has for my days.

Friday, October 27, 2006

Hebrew Humor

This is amazing.

Abbott & Costello Learn Hebrew


ABBOTT: I see you’re here for your Hebrew lesson.

COSTELLO: I’m ready to learn.

ABBOTT: Now, the first thing you must understand is that Hebrew and English have many words which sound alike, but they do not mean the same thing.

COSTELLO: Sure, I understand.

ABBOTT: Now, don’t be too quick to say that.

COSTELLO: How stupid do you think I am - don’t answer that. It’s simple - some words in Hebrew sound like words in English, but they don’t mean the same.

ABBOTT: Precisely.

COSTELLO: We have that word in English, too. What does it mean in Hebrew?

ABBOTT: No, no. Precisely is an English word.

COSTELLO: I didn’t come here to learn English, I came to learn Hebrew. So make with the Hebrew.

ABBOTT: Fine. Let’s start with mee.


ABBOTT: No, mee.

COSTELLO: Fine, we’ll start with you.

ABBOTT: No, we’ll start with mee.

COSTELLO: Okay, have it your way.

ABBOTT: Now, mee is who.

COSTELLO: You is Abbott.

ABBOTT: No, no, no. Mee is who.

COSTELLO: You is Abbott.

ABBOTT: You don’t understand.

COSTELLO: I don’t understand? Did you just say me is who?

ABBOTT: Yes I did. Mee is who.

COSTELLO: You is Abbott.

ABBOTT: No, you misunderstand what I am saying. Tell me about mee.

COSTELLO: Well, you’re a nice enough guy.

ABBOTT: No, no. Tell me about mee!


ABBOTT: Precisely.

COSTELLO: Precisely what?

ABBOTT: Precisely who.

COSTELLO: It’s precisely whom!

ABBOTT: No, mee is who.

COSTELLO: Don’t start that again - go on to something else.

ABBOTT: All right. Hu is he.

COSTELLO: Who is he?


COSTELLO: I don’t know. Who is he?

ABBOTT: Sure you do. You just said it.

COSTELLO: I just said what?

ABBOTT: Hu is he.

COSTELLO: Who is he?

ABBOTT: Precisely.

COSTELLO: Again with the precisely! Precisely who?

ABBOTT: No, precisely he.

COSTELLO: Precisely he? Who is he?

ABBOTT: Precisely!

COSTELLO: And what about me?


COSTELLO: me, me, me!

ABBOTT: Who, who, who!

COSTELLO: What are you, an owl? Me! Who is me?

ABBOTT: No, hu is he!

COSTELLO: I don’t know, maybe he is me!

ABBOTT: No, hee is she!

COSTELLO: (STARE AT ABBOTT) Do his parents know about this?

ABBOTT: About what?

COSTELLO: About her!

ABBOTT: What about her?

COSTELLO: That she is he!

ABBOTT: No, you’ve got it wrong - hee is she!

COSTELLO:’ Then who is he?

ABBOTT: Precisely!







COSTELLO: Who is she?

ABBOTT: No, hu is he.

COSTELLO: I don’t care who is he, I want to know who is she?

ABBOTT: No, that’s not right.

COSTELLO: How can it not be right? I said it. I was standing here when I said it, and I know me.



ABBOTT: Precisely!

COSTELLO: Me! Me is that he you are talking about! He is me!

ABBOTT: No, hee is she!

COSTELLO: Wait a Minute, wait a minute! I’m trying to learn a little Hebrew, and now I can’t even speak English. Let me review.

ABBOTT: Go ahead.

COSTELLO: Now first You want to know me is who.

ABBOTT: Correct.

COSTELLO: And then you say who is he.

ABBOTT: Absolutely.

COSTELLO: And then you tell me he is she.


COSTELLO: Now look at this logically. If me is who, and who is he, and he is she, don’t it stand to reason that me is she?



ABBOTT: That is he!

COSTELLO: Who is he?


COSTELLO: I have just about had it. You have me confused I want to go home. You know what I want? Ma!


COSTELLO: I said Ma.


COSTELLO: What are you, deaf? I want Ma!


COSTELLO: Not what, who!


COSTELLO: Not he! Ma is not he!

ABBOTT: Of course not! Hu is he!

COSTELLO: I don’t know. I don’t know. I don’t care. I don’t care hu is he, he is she, me is who, ma is what. I just want to go home now and play with my dog.


Tuesday, October 24, 2006

A Little's Enough

I am pretty sure that the song by Angels and Airwaves - A Little's Enough could change the world. On that note, I really think that it can change me. It all goes to my perspective of Love, and the power of God. I do not think that it is that absurd or heretical to think that the integration of a bit of Love into one's life will not flow to all parts, think of sourdough bread, you only need a little bit, I think the leavened bread thing is the same way. I am going to be working my way through the book of Titus, I have found that the only beneficial, and effective way for me to study, and remember scripture long term is to memorize it. On a completely side note I would like to let all of you know that I thoroughly enjoy the weather when it is like this.

Thursday, October 19, 2006


I had a bit of an epiphany just now. When our favorite song comes on the radio, we turn it up and get excited. How might we apply that reaction in relation to God's word, preaching, conversing, sharing, living our life of our shared relationship and commonality in Christ?

Monday, October 09, 2006

Deal with it.

How does one deal with something. Grieving, forgetting, displacing, subduing, hiding, repressing, and even replacing, but how does one really deal with anything in life. A death, losing a friend, moving, change in general. What is the right way to deal with an issue that arises in ones own life. Jesus wept, He got away, He immersed Himself with people, He turned always to God, and remained perfect all the while. I think that there is something to this Jesus, who always did the right thing.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Friday, September 29, 2006


Currently I could take a punch to the face, and not change my affect at all. For me life is frozen, I hope to feel again. We go through all kinds of problems in our lifetime, and sometimes we forget that God is good. Why do I look so much like the people of ancient Israel all the time. I must continue to remember He is with me, and He is good.

Friday, September 22, 2006

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Be prepared

Ok I have begun audio blogging, so you must go to to listen to my thoughts, and such I will update occasionally keep checking back!

Sunday, September 10, 2006


Well guys life puts in our way a lot of obstacles, which we have to decide what we're going to do with them. Currently mine is finding time to do the work that I need to get done, which is quite a bit. Never impossible, but very time consuming, and even overwhelming. Currently I am evaluating what it means to truly be trusting in God, I know that He has done things for me that no one else could. I have plans for graduate school, and that's a whole other issue, that I have to work through. I sit back and decide to accept by faith that all things that are part of my life's purpose will come to pass, just so long as I remain in following the way that Jesus lived His life. I hope to never be too passive, too negligent, or ignorant of the things that I should be doing, and for the purpose of avoiding such things, I have involved myself in many methods of ministry, and spiritual development and lifting others as well. I encourage all who read this to not indulge in idle moments, and to constantly use all the time that we have been given as each day is a true gift which we have not been promised. LOVE//GO - Devin

Sunday, September 03, 2006


My thoughts for tonight, for this week, and for life in general something I've been thinking over for a while. When we are pre-occupied and can blame our attitudes on the "blah of life", I think that we are entering into dangerous land. My guess is that we are the one's that hold the ability to direct our actions and attitudes. I have been really overwhelmed and as a result neglecting of certain people and their feelings. One of these days I will be able to hold the fabric of every aspect of my life together (with the aid of God only). For now unfortunately I have not mastered such a feat. I want to remember people, and smile, and show both my love and kindness towards them. My prayer to God is to help be remember the joy that I once had, the small issues that I have in my life are outweighed by the suffering that others in other places of the world go through, and that I need to focus on the truth of the Bible in respects to reaping good from sewing good. These are the words of a tired man, and I hope that they are coherent enough to decipher. Good night. -Operating as best I can, In Christ, Devin Jump.

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

First Post

Just to let you know this is the location of my thoughts, concerns, and method by which I have decided will be a good way to contact all of you. Keep checking back. -DR JUMP